Kirsty Winkel
Business Development Manager

  1. What is your role at Confex and how long have you worked here?
    I joined Confex in March 2021. My role is Senior Business Development Manager, responsible for Confectionery, Crisps & Snacks, Pet Care, and the Confex Sample Box. I am also overseeing the integration of our new member platform, Confex Accelerate working alongside Cerve.
  2. What did you do before joining Confex?
    I spent 10 years with Landmark Wholesale Ltd, initially working in Accounts but later moved into Trading and was responsible for Non-Foods. I then spent 2 years with Dhamecha Cash & Carry based in Wembley as their Non-Food and Sundry Tobacco buyer.
  3. What do you do when you’re not at Confex?
    Outside of Confex, I love spending time with family and friends whether it be nights in, days out or weekends away.
  4. If you were able to retire tomorrow, how would you spend your time?
    I would love to travel the world to experience new cultures, meet new people, try new cuisines, and maybe even learn a new language!! I would also like to take up photography as a hobby.
  5. Who inspires you?
    My family is my biggest inspiration. Grandparents, Parents and Siblings inspire me to work hard and create the best life for ourselves and our children. My Son, Nieces and Nephews inspire me to be a little more carefree and focus on what really matters. They remind me that a smile, or making someone laugh, is priceless and makes a difference in everyday life.
  6. What type of business would you go into, if it wasn’t wholesale?
    I would join the fire service! Not knowing what new challenges and experiences each day holds, working as part of a highly committed and dedicated team and being able to make a positive impact, would be both exciting and rewarding.
  7. What is the most interesting place you have visited and why?
    Peru! I spent 2 weeks backpacking around Peru with my friend in 2016. We visited Huaraz, Paracus, Huacachina, Nazca, and Cusco. Highlights for me were trekking to Laguna 69 in the Huascaran National Park, sandboarding in Huacachina and visiting Machu Picchu.
  8. What do you like about working at Confex?
    Not only do I enjoy I enjoy working with such a close-knit team that are both friendly and supportive, but Confex staff are now home based, which allows a greater work/life balance and enables me to be around for my family a lot more than ever before.