Simon King
Snr Business Development Mngr

  1. What is your role at Confex and how long have you worked here?
    I have been working for Confex for 5 years and 3 months as the Senior Business Development Manager looking after retail: Alcohol, Soft Drinks, Grocery, Non-Food and Vaping, with responsibility for Confex Savings Club and Insight Data.
  2. What did you do before joining Confex?
    I previously worked at Costco UK for 18 years, during which I managed their first chilled RDC and was a buyer on several categories covering Fresh, Confectionery, Grocery, Commodities, Tobacco, and Seasonal Confectionery. In 2011 I joined Landmark looking after Confectionery, Cereals, Pet Food, Hot Beverages and BWS and Confex were part of Landmark. After the Landmark merger, I joined Confex and as they say “The rest is history”
  3. What do you do when you’re not at Confex?
    I enjoy family time with my wife, 4 grown up children, 4 grandchildren and 2 dog’s. When time permits, I like to get out and about to support the National Trust.
  4. If you were able to retire tomorrow, how would you spend your time?
    I would spend more quality time with family and friends, travel the world as there are so many other countries and cultures to experience. Go to all Watford FC games and then maybe learn to play golf.
  5. Who inspires you?
    Nelson Mandela is my inspiration, he campaigned for justice and freedom in his native South Africa. Mandela spent 20 years in jail for his opposition to apartheid. After his release, he became the first President of Democratic South Africa and helped heal the wounds of apartheid by his magnanimous attitude to his former political enemies.
  6. What type of business would you go into, if it wasn’t wholesale?
    Being a buyer has been my passion for over 3 decades, but if I could turn back the clock, an aircraft technician is what I would be.
  7. What is the most interesting place you have visited and why?
    Singapore is a warm, clean vibrant city-state, with a diverse culture second to none, you could be in colonial Raffles one minute and the next, on top of the Tanjong Pagar centre (Tallest building in Singapore at 951 FT), but the Scottish Highlands is one of my favourite places to go, the views are stunning.
  8. What do you like about working at Confex?
    Confex is a family business and everyone in Confex are made to feel part of that family. Everyone works hard, the work is varied, but we are all a team and help each other when the need arises. There has been many changes throughout Covid an office change (Now Carbon Neutral) to hybrid working. The one constant has been, the Confex team and Members being a family like no other buying group.